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Allergy treatments vary depending on individual needs. Treatments include reducing allergen exposure, over-the-counter and prescription medications and/or immunotherapy.

Nobody enjoys allergies! Thankfully, there are several options to help manage your symptoms. At Northwest ENT and Allergy Center, our Otolaryngic allergists are experts at determining the best treatment plan for your specific needs.

Are you suffering from seasonal or environmental allergy symptoms?

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Reduce Allergen Exposure

An allergen is a substance that causes an allergic reaction. One of the easiest ways to manage allergic reactions is to identify and avoid the specific allergen(s) causing a flare-up. However, some allergens are virtually impossible to avoid, like dust mites or springtime pollens. In such cases, Northwest ENT and Allergy Center offers specialized, patient-specific solutions to overcome the unavoidable.


In addition to avoidance, most minor allergy symptoms are easily treated with over-the-counter (OTC) and/or prescription medications and sprays.

Some of the most common medications include:

  • Antihistamines
  • Nasal saline rinses
  • Corticosteroids

Correct Utilization of Sinus Rinse:


While allergy medications can be very effective in controlling symptoms, they do not cure an allergic reaction. At Northwest ENT and Allergy Center, we offer immunotherapy as a long-term treatment option for chronic allergy symptoms. Immunotherapy stimulates your immune system’s response to allergens to change how your system reacts to exposure.